Monday, September 26, 2011

waiting the kinect...

Research without Kinect sensor. This work made by Processing and Kinect seems interesting.

Monday, September 19, 2011


airside touch toy

In this semester during this class I would like to combine my music education with engineering knowledge. Abstract graphics and Audio sounds interesting. Airside Touch Toy is one of the cymatics and interactive project with sound-reactive by seeper company which technic I would like to use with visual graphics experiments. And still available to continue project with z-depth movie.

My experimental work, but randomly made and out of meaning.


Hello! My name is Marchenko Elena. I graduated Moscow University of Printing Arts by major engineer and here in Hongik University trying to became a video-designer. This blog created for the class Media Art Unit Two, fall 2011, IDAS, Hongik University, professor David Hall.